As you may have heard, a Catholic pro-life student group going home after the March for Life got stuck on the highway.
With tons of time and not much to do, they did something incredible: they build an altar out of snow and had Mass on the side of the highway! Some people nicknamed the spot the St. John Paul the Great hillside chapel.
Bad weather can’t stop the Mass!
[More coverage: The Inside Story on the Turnpike Mass, From the Priest Who Led It]
[More coverage: Watch Worshippers Receive Communion at the Great Turnpike Mass of 2016]
[More coverage: Watch Pro-Lifers Pray “Our Father” As Snow Falls in the Turnpike Mass]
[More coverage: Here’s a Video of the Great Turnpike Mass of 2016!]
Here are a bunch of photos of this incredible event:

[See also: 14 Inspiring Photos of Mass Celebrated in War Zones]
[See also: 3 Beautiful Celebrities Who Gave It All Up to Become Nuns]

Life on the Pennsylvania Turnpike #PAturnpike #turnpikemass #snowmaggedon2016
— Johnny Katz (@JohnKatzmarek) January 23, 2016
Stuck on the PA turnpike for 17 hours, but celebrating mass with hundreds of other stranded pilgrims! #turnpikemass
— Maggie Schopp (@schoppity) January 23, 2016
Mass on the turnpike= 10 extra jJesus points #turnpikemass
— Meghan Palmer (@meghancpalmer) January 23, 2016
So amazing to be apart of #turnpikemass one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.
— Anastasia Rogers✨ (@AnastasiaJoRog) January 23, 2016
When you have mass in the snow #TurnpikeMass #MarchForLife
— Sydney Christensen (@sydneyac2017) January 23, 2016

[More coverage: The Inside Story on the Turnpike Mass, From the Priest Who Led It]
[More coverage: Watch Worshippers Receive Communion at the Great Turnpike Mass of 2016]
[More coverage: Watch Pro-Lifers Pray “Our Father” As Snow Falls in the Turnpike Mass]
[More coverage: Here’s a Video of the Great Turnpike Mass of 2016!]