Do you pray the Rosary?
In praying the Rosary, we are able to meditate on the life of Jesus Christ through the eyes of the Blessed Mother.
You can find a how-to guide for praying the Rosary here.
Throughout history, various saints have expressed their love for this scriptural prayer.
Here are nine quotes from the saints that illustrate the supernatural nature of the Holy Rosary:

“The Rosary is the ‘weapon’ for these times.” – Saint Padre Pio

“The Rosary is a prayer both so humble and simple and theologically rich in Biblical content. I beg you to pray it.” - Pope Saint John Paul II

"The greatest method of praying is to pray the Rosary." - Saint Francis de Sales

“The Rosary is the most beautiful and the most rich in graces of all prayers; it is the prayer that touches most the Heart of the Mother of God…and if you wish peace to reign in your homes, recite the family Rosary.” – Pope Saint Pius X

“How beautiful is the family that recites the Rosary every evening!” – Pope Saint John Paul II

“The holy Rosary is a powerful weapon. Use it with confidence and you’ll be amazed at the results.” – Saint Josemaria Escriva

“Go to the Madonna. Love her! Always say the Rosary. Say it well. Say it as often as you can! Be souls of prayer. Never tire of praying, it is what is essential. Prayer shakes the Heart of God, it obtains necessary graces!” – Saint Padre Pio

“The Rosary is a priceless treasure inspired by God.” – Saint Louis De Monfort