Previously, we brought you “11 Maps to Help You Make Sense of World Religion,” “13 Insightful Maps of U.S. Religion,” and “10 Revealing Maps of Religion in Europe.” We even brought you “24 Crazy Facts About Global Christianity in the 21st Century“!
Today, we’re zeroing in on that great place of exponential growth in the Christian faith: Africa.
1) Majority religions, by region

2) Importance of religion, by country

3) There’s been a massive decline of traditional African religions

4) Protestantism (including Anglicanism), by percentage of population, by country

5) Catholicism, by percentage of population, by country

6) Eastern Orthodoxy, by percentage of population, by country

7) Islam, by percentage of population, by country

8) Irreligion, by percentage of population, by country

9) A graph of the incredible growth of Christianity

10) The importance of religion in Africa vs. other places in the world

11) Muslims tend to view Christians as relatively peaceful, whereas Christians tend to view Muslims as more violent

12) Conversions away from one’s childhood religion, by country