13 Times Bp. Robert Barron Hilariously Owned the Comments on His YouTube Channel

13 Times Bp. Robert Barron Hilariously Owned the Comments on His YouTube Channel
Brandon Vogt, Facebook / Bishop Robert Barron, YouTube

Pope Francis wants us all to go out and engage the world. Bishop Robert Barron, auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles, is certainly doing that!

Bp. Barron has a vast online presence, both as an online personality and with his Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. One of biggest followings is on YouTube, where he’s uploaded video commentaries and movie reviews for years and has over 120k subscribers.

And as you probably know, online comment sections can be brutal. But that hasn’t stopped Bp. Barron from wading in! He often has thoughtful exchanges with sincere commenters. But when a commenter is only making a personal attack or snide remark, Bp. Barron isn’t above a little good-natured snark himself!

The screenshots of these comments come courtesy of Brandon Vogt, who serves as Content Director at Bp. Barron’s Word on Fire.

And yes, these are all real!

(Warning: some of the commenters – not Bp. Barron – use coarse language.)

Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

[See also: Bp. Robert Barron Hilariously Replies to Negative Comments About Relics on Facebook]

[See also: Bishop Barron Explains the Signs that Demonic Powers Are Active in the World]