10 Powerhouse Back-to-School Saints for Students, Parents, and Teachers

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

The school year brings new challenges and opportunities for any student, parent, or educator. Prayer is so important during this season of change!

It’s also important to have a spiritual arsenal of saintly companions to help you on your journey. Their prayers are so powerful!

Here are 10 saintly friends to turn to as a student, teacher, or parent throughout the school year:

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

1) Saint Thomas Aquinas

This powerhouse saint and doctor of the church is well-known for his academic endeavors and role as a patron saint of students and educators. His many works combine faith and reason, providing an example for students to involve their beliefs in their learning environment.

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

2) Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton is a go-to saint for educators because she established the first Catholic school in the United States. Despite personal hardships, she adapted and overcame numerous obstacles. Her intercession has no limits, especially when it comes to all things back-to-school. Bonus: She was a wife and mother, too!

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

3) Saint Dymphna

Saint Dymphna is a great saint for all things mental health. From first-day jitters and separation anxiety to patience and resilience in tough situations or teaching environments, Saint Dymphna is your girl!

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

4) Saint Joseph of Cupertino

Saint Joseph of Cupertino is known specifically as the patron saint of test-taking, academic challenges, and learning difficulties.

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

5) Saint John Berchmans

This powerful saint is the patron of students and altar servers. Something lesser known about him is that he is also a patron saint against the sin of gossip–something that too often plagues the school system. Call on the intercession of Saint John Berchmans this year!

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

6) Saint Therese of Lisieux

This patroness is especially for college students struggling with homesickness. Saint Therese experienced a significant amount of homesickness during her time in the convent. Her faith and commitment helped her overcome these feelings. If you find yourself struggling with the transition into the new routines of a new school year as a parent, teacher, or student…call on the intercession of Saint Therese of Lisieux!

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

7) Saint Catherine of Alexandria

Not much is known about Saint Catherine of Alexandria. However, we do know she was dedicated to her studies from a very young age. It is said that she went head-to-head with some of the greatest philosophers of her time! This patroness can inspire students and teachers in their quest for dialogue and bravery in the classroom.

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

8) Saint John Bosco

Saint John Bosco was deeply committed to the education and well-being of young people. This 19th-century saint dedicated his life to troubled youth after recognizing the importance of a nurturing and supportive educational environment. Saint John Bosco founded the Salesian Society, which focuses on education, spiritual guidance, and vocational training.

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

9) Saint John Baptist de la Salle

Saint John Baptist de la Salle is a powerful patron of educators due to his contributions to the field of education during his life. He was a pioneer in creating structured curriculum and educational reform. He also focused on the importance of teacher training and spiritual formation within the classroom. Saint John Baptist de la Salle, pray for teachers!

Caroline Perkins, ChurchPOP

10) Saint Michael the Archangel

Each school year brings new temptations and opportunities. Saint Michael the Archangel’s intercession can protect any individual from the enemy!

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