All human beings struggle with sexuality at some point in their lives. That is why Boldly Beloved was created for you.

Kim Zember, a Catholic author, speaker, and founder of Boldly Beloved, announced the advent of her new Christian ministry on June 1.

In a message Zember recently released she stated, “This ministry was set up initially for those struggling with same-sex attraction, but we found out that all human beings struggle with sexuality...and so...I think that Boldly Beloved might help you.”

As someone who personally struggles with homosexual attraction and has been restored after living that lifestyle, Zember stated that she wanted help others see the Church as “a safe place for people to come and be real about where they are at in their lives and be met with such a compassionate love that they feel like they are ‘home.’”

Boldly Beloved is now a gateway to this “home.”

The website Zember created for this ministry shares insight as to why Zember felt the need to launch the project.

“Conflict, questioning, and seeking embody the struggle of our human soul," she stated. "Yet even out of the darkest moments, love can break through in radical ways and carry us into our God-given identity.”

With a focus on identity, sexuality, and missions, this ministry seeks to help individuals discover who they are “in light of who God is.”

Three sections explore and provide resources about these three topics.

Under the section focusing on identity, the website states, “In one way or another, each and every human being is in search of who they are and where they belong.”

This page includes video and book recommendations that Zember has personally highlighted as assisting her in her struggles with identity.

Similarly, the page on sexuality provides books and video suggestions, but also includes an in-depth analysis of different ministries that can help one facing same-sex attraction or the family and loved ones of those struggling with this.

Lastly, the missions page is designed to help individuals find ways they can share their love with others.

Boldly Beloved seeks to do this by partnering with the Ethiopian ministry, "Unforgotten Faces." Participants in this mission have the chance to assist in educating Ethiopian children and providing their families with meals.

While Boldly Beloved focuses on these three things, Zember ultimately knows that a relationship with Jesus Christ makes it possible to live an exciting life while living in union with the faith.

She stated, “I find great joy in sharing the love, freedom, and continued restoration found through a personal relationship with Jesus.”

In a video Zember released on Instagram, she addressed the presence of Pride Month and shared that June is an opportunity to “carry the Father’s heart” for others and to love them as Jesus loves them. This, she shares, is an opportunity to be the salt and light that Jesus calls us to be.

In another video on Zember’s Instagram, she announced the release of Boldly Beloved and received positive feedback in the comments.

One commenter said, “WOOHOO! may our Lord anoint all the fruits of your new efforts! You’re a gift, friend!”

Another user shared her excitement and said, “Awesome and congratulations. Hope to be able to share this with so many.”

Say a prayer for Kim Zember and her new ministry, Boldly Beloved!

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