Everyone loves him, which might explain why Pope Francis can get away with some of these!
[See also: 29 of Martin Luther’s Most Hilariously Over-the-Top Insults]
All quotes are courtesy of the blog That the Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill.
1) “Fomenter of coprophagia!”
2) “Mr. or Mrs. Whiner!”
3) “Liquid Christian!”
4) “Museum mummy!”

5) “Renaissance Prince!”
6) “Sourpuss!”
7) “Little monster!”
8) “Existential tourist!”

9) “People without light – real downers!”
10) “Starched Christians, too polite, who speak of theology calmly over tea!”
11) “Weathervanes, all of them!”
12) “Rotting in the heart, weak, weak to the point of rottenness. Gloomy in the heart!”

13) “Pagans with two strokes of Christian paint, so as to appear like Christians, but pagans nonetheless!”
14) “Uniformists, alternativists and advantagists!”
15) “Proud, self-sufficient, detached from the people, intellectual aristocrats, who closed their doors and resist the Holy Spirit!”
16) “Pastry shop Christians, luscious cakes, sweet dainties. Delectable, but not real Christians!”
And, of course:
17) “Self-absorbed promethean neopelagian!”